Category: Facebook Marketing

What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing on Facebook – Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Social media’s a competitive place for influencers. Every account is on rented space. Every influencer’s competing for attention, likes, shares, and engagement. If you’re unfamiliar with influencer marketing as a tool for your brand to succeed in social media marketing, this may be a technique to go beyond the limitations of organic algorithms and PPC, and get you the revenues you want.

What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing on Facebook – Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Why influencers are important

Influencers are a sort of hack around the uncertainty of organic digital marketing strategies like SEO. Influencer marketing works from stone cold statistics. Here are 3 facts any brand marketer should remember about using influencers.

 Brands see a 37% higher retention rate when they receive a customer from a recommendation made to the customer from a trusted source.
 77% of influencers are more likely to buy from a sponsor, which means a paid influencer could potentially one day become a natural brand supporter.
 Word-of-mouth generates double the sales of paid advertising.

What is the best influencer for my brand?

There is no definite rule when it comes to which influencer is best for a brand. Something more appropriate to one industry may not be the same to the next. Ultimately, there are three types of influencers – micro-influencers which carry 1,000 to 100,000 followers, macro-influencers which carry 100,000 to 500,000 followers, and mega-influencers which have 500,000 to over 1 million followers. You don’t need a mega-influencer to succeed. Oftentimes a micro-influencer with a strong engagement level and one that’s relevant to your target audience is needed.

Will they reach your target audience?

In the lack of other criteria in choosing the right influencer in influencer marketing, choose one that will reach and delight your target audience. The more targeted and specific, the better. Regardless of the size of the following, an influencer should have an understanding of their industry, your industry, and followers. If an influencer isn’t valuable, sincere, or appealing to an audience, their message isn’t going to connect.

The right influencer for the social media platform

Every social media site will have popular influencers to pull from. Someone who is extremely popular on YouTube however may not pull the same numbers on Instagram. You want to review the numbers, and know what you’re paying for and receiving.

What sort of message to give an influencer to promote

Social media’s always evolving. Like we said, it’s rented space. If you have an influencer advertising and sharing your marketing message, ensure it’s a message with a focused call-to-action. Ideally, it will be for people to download an app, visit a website, follow or subscribe, or to buy a product or service. You want an instant way to measure how successful an influencer marketing campaign is. A simple CTA is best recommended.

The best type of content

The best type of content marketing in 2019 is that which is candid, lively, storytelling-focused, urgent, and/or intriguing. This approach should be the same for using an influencer. If you make your message intriguing or urgent in some way, and have it be lively, you have your greatest chance of making an impact and getting those clicks a campaign is built around.

Evolve your digital marketing campaign. Make it exciting. Make it relevant. Use an influencer to instantly boost your numbers and use a digital marketing partner like Unlimited Exposure to maximize the momentum.


7 Must-Know Info Points to Start Your Instagram and Facebook Marketing Campaign With

So many social media platforms and strategies, so little time and money. Where to focus your energy relies on knowing where the best return is. Instagram and Facebook are the world’s two biggest social platforms, almost with equal audience in size though key differences in demographics, marketing method, and return. Here are a few points to hang onto when creating and crafting a cohesive social media marketing plan for Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms.

7 Must-Know Info Points to Start Your Instagram and Facebook Marketing Campaign With


Sharing on social media is all about tapping into people’s emotions. It makes it matter. Connect emotionally with a user and they’ll remember you. The emotion can be whatever you need it to be, whether that’s enjoyment, sadness, anger, happiness, or otherwise. The important thing is soliciting a response from the user so that they make that connection. The most successful social media marketing campaigns drip with emotion off every word.

Buyer personas

You may not be able to get completely in the head of a buyer/customer but with the right research, you can build a buyer persona. These describe your ideal buyer and you can tailor content accordingly. Identify key elements such as the type of work they do, interests, income, location, age, how they share content, their pain points, life goals, and things they like to do.

Ask questions

Use social media to do some market research. Ask questions. Help yourself understand your customers better by giving them a voice and listening to their comments or votes. It’s a free opportunity for you to learn and it lets a follower feel heard.

Using a clear CTA

Call to actions in line with brand messaging and tone should be given in every message. When a user knows what action you expect them to take, they’re more likely to comply with the desired result. It might be to share, like, subscribe, comment, or otherwise. Creating conversation can involve trial and error but once you know how and where to employ CTAs, you’ve solved an element of social media marketing that every successful brand before you has conquered.


For millennials and younger generations, influencer marketing’s a major influence. Influencers advertise product to their followers. Many can move mountains in an eighth of a heartbeat, establishing new brands. They have personal connection with their audience and setting up a campaign through influencers can achieve a level of brand awareness that’s probably not otherwise possible. Instant results.


Be it Facebook or Instagram marketing, both carry different audiences. Instagram tends to be younger, for example, while Facebook has accounts from people of every age, culture, and background. Before you commit to a social media platform, investigate if in fact your buyers actively participate in the conversation there.

New tools

Social media’s always advancing and expanding with new tools. Every year, something new introduces itself on Instagram or Facebook. Not to mention there are new hashtags every day you may be able to piggyback on. There’s also digital marketing automation tools which makes posting to multiple platforms, procuring photos, and monitoring the conversation around your brand so, so easy.

Social media’s a powerful tool. Key social points like these can really form the basis of a highly effective campaign. No digital marketing strategy in 2019 is complete without a social element. Tap into yours with Unlimited Exposure today.


What is the Most Popular Social Media Platform in 2019 For Digital Marketing and Why

There’s a lot of debate, these days, on what the best social media site is. Truth be told, each brand may have their own personalized answer based on where their audience is and what’s appropriate for them.


Analyzing current social media trends in digital marketing, Instagram is the #1 social media platform in the world right now followed closely by Facebook and Twitter. A huge social media trend that we’ve found is that while Instagram growth rates are the highest of all social media sites, Facebook and Twitter is growth is slowing down rather quickly. Although B2C brands still go to Facebook, waning interest means in 5-10 years’ time, Instagram might be where you want to invest your time.

In 2019, the top 3 social media platforms are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter based on how marketers are using these sites. Approximately 94 percent of marketers use Facebook for social media marketing while 73 percent use Instagram and 59 percent are using Twitter.

Sadly, we are seeing a lot of marketers losing interest in Twitter. This isn’t to say that Twitter’s a negative social media site but rather, it might not be the hotbed of activity it once was. Some businesses may choose to use Twitter while others would be better recommended to try another social media platform.

Now, thus far, this has all applied for B2C businesses but what if you’re a B2B website – not surprisingly so, Facebook still reigns supreme. Up to 91 percent of marketers are using Facebook for B2B marketing while approximately 80 percent are using LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is an underrated platform with absolutely amazing potential well worth trying if you’re a B2B brand. By engaging with other professionals, publishing pieces on the platform, and making connections, you’d be surprised by how much positive momentum one can generate.

A big question a lot of us are asking ourselves is, can Facebook turn the tide of momentum to continue growing themselves as a digital marketing platform – it’s hard to say. Facebook has updated their algorithms to favor posts with high engagement while decreasing the power of those pages which have gone viral. The social media site hasn’t been able to shake the feeling that marketing on Facebook is slowly coming to an end.

Now in digital marketing, trends can change rather quickly. That said, social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and others have a place. It’s just a case of knowing where the audience is and how to maximize the available opportunities there. Although Facebook is on a downward trend, as is Twitter, one can’t dismiss these platforms because there are still hundreds of millions of active accounts here.

Are you looking for assistance with your social media marketing on Instagram and other platforms? Let us help. Partner with Unlimited Exposure and we’ll provide the expert guidance on how to maximize your budget on platforms like those mentioned. Generate leads, create conversions, and see big jumps in sales. We specialize not only in social media but also in video marketing, SEO, content marketing, email, and more. Join dozens of other businesses who have achieved big returns. The ROI is out there! It’s just a matter of going out there and grabbing it!

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Social Media Marketing Best Practices to use with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more

The rules of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites can be challenging to manage, as consumer behaviours can sometimes seem to change year by year. Regardless, mobile devices and digital tech has made it so that social media is unavoidable. Best practices are an excellent reference point to adhere to when digging into what’s expected on social media.


Best practices customized by any business should be done according to data. After all, digital marketing of any kind is driven by data. Analytics like this identify strengths and weaknesses, providing brands the chance to listen to their audience and act. Leverage the social media analytics you have to refine your approach. If you don’t already have a social media account, no problem. Ensure moving forward, you pay attention to the data. Monitor your competition’s social media and look how they’re interacting with followers, what kind of content they are using, and the result.

Another important aspect of deciding on best practices for Instagram and other platforms is to choose your social media channels. Not every social media is ideal and deserves your time. Analyze where you think your audience is and go there. There’s only so much time in a day. Demographics hold importance. For example, a B2B company is best served marketing on LinkedIn, a platform where a musician marketing to consumers might not work as well. We recommend starting small so that efforts aren’t spread thin or too much budget is dedicated to any one channel.

Social media marketing for business should never be done casually. Find a thoughtful, carefully-made schedule and stick to it. Base on the data you have, decide what you will post and when. Create a calendar including the content title, content format, description, keywords to be used, CTA, and channel you intend to post on. Consider seasonal events and holidays, when and how you’ll be launching a campaign, and any dates relevant to your company. You don’t need to stick to a calendar like this rigidly but it’s a guide and guides are important. If you decide to change it later on, do so.

The last thing we want to mention is, just like you accumulated data about your audience and social media interactions early on, continue this pattern. Measure the effectiveness of social media every step of the way. There are analytics software included on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn that allow you to see how things are performing. There’s also third party software one can use as well.

Best practices is ultimately about what’s most effective and appropriate for your audience and social media platform. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, or elsewhere, these are all communities of people, and platforms with different posting styles and expectations. The more you work within these communities, the better the understanding you’ll develop on how to promote and maximize content. Oftentimes, it’s the metrics which will tell you so much about how to move forward and what’s best.

For assistance with social media, contact Unlimited Exposure. As experts in digital marketing, we can maximize your presence on sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and get you likes, shares, and conversation. Generate long-term momentum you can spur into real results!

Source :,-facebook,-twitter,-and-more.html

What you Can Learn from how the Real Estate Industry uses Digital Marketing

Realtors and real estate agencies use digital marketing every day to overcome the competition and reach their audience. Considering these days, more than 90 percent of people buying properties begin with an online search, how they market digitally is key to their success. For non-real estate businesses, there’s a lot to learn about what makes realtors successful and how this can be applied to your business.


Consistent branding.

Look at any successful realtor’s digital marketing strategy and you’ll find consistent branding throughout. Across every social media channel and every site on which their brand appears, they’re using the same logo, the same tag line, the same font, and oftentimes the same images. Consistent branding lets the user know they are in the right place and prevents confusion.

User-friendly websites.

A realtor’s website is among the most user-friendly there is. After all, it has to be. This is how prospective clients are searching for homes. They’re also always mobile responsive. No matter your brand, more than 50 percent of Internet searches are done on smartphones and mobile devices. When designing your website, put your audience first.

Maximizing SEO.

Real estate is very competitive as buyers searching for properties are only going to click on the first one or two search results that come up. They’re not going to go to other listings. Those spots are incredibly valuable to agents. Therefore, they’ve gone the extra mile to optimize their site architecture, implement the right keywords, write blogs, produce videos, and more.

Writing useful content.

No matter how busy you are, keep up with a consistent schedule of high-value, quality content. We don’t mean just putting up product descriptions but instead, taking the time to deliver audience-friendly blogs that answer their questions, offer advice, present them with some how-tos, and more. This is how real estate website do it and will also help with your SEO efforts.

Being social online.

Social media is big business for realtors as it gets the word out about what they’re selling. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are the four main channels they use. Successful real estate agents don’t just post listings either. They take the time to engage with prospective clients by responding to comments and questions, posting in groups and participating in other communities, and being active. It can’t always be about promoting, promoting, promoting!

Targeting the right audience.

Just because you saw something work in another company of an unrelated industry’s digital marketing doesn’t mean it will work for you. Your marketing needs to be customized to the audience. Your targeting needs to be precise, in this way, or you will be losing on time and money. You may think about opting for a wider audience however oftentimes, the most successful marketing campaigns are based on reaching a niche audience of people genuinely interested.

Don’t send out spam.

Be it on social media or through email, realtors are careful with what they send out and when. Email marketing should only come with links to the most useful blog posts and carry information relevant to that client. No one wants to receive an email from a brand they like with nothing of value inside. Segment your audience. Ask yourself, before sending out any marketing message, whether it’s appropriate and relevant to the people receiving it.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency to help elevate your website and enjoy bigger results, speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure.

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Why LinkedIn Marketing is go-to Social Media for any B2B Company Searching for Customers

LinkedIn has social media marketing tools used by both B2B and B2C companies, although its effectiveness is mostly associated to B2B. With so many opportunities to release content and then, to target it to the appropriate audience, instantly win yourself new business.


Using both organic marketing strategies and paid advertising, your brand can engage with the right people and begin building loyalty. Like other social media platforms, any content plan must be carefully considered.

The best advice we can give as a starting point to LinkedIn marketing is to identify user intent. Users consume content on LinkedIn primarily to inform themselves about a certain category of industry. Users also want to show others that they’re smart, qualified, and knowledgeable about certain subjects. LinkedIn marketers will usually target users’ needs, creating high value, informational and useful content that they can consume in the industry or category they’re interested in.

The five types of content marketing that work best on LinkedIn are how-to lists about industry-specific topics, industry surveys and similar industry reports, industry-based editorials or opinion pieces, educational ebooks, and job opportunities or job-related information. When building one’s LinkedIn marketing, content types such as this can make a direct splash and attract eyes quickly. That said, there’s a lot of legwork that needs to happen if you’re going to take this and create long-lasting momentum from it for your B2B company.

Every piece of content you put out should continually be positioning your brand as an industry leader. Influential, inspiring, or educational content is smart for this point. It also may go without saying but your company’s LinkedIn company page should be filled out in its entirely with an attractive header image and relevant keywords spread throughout. Consider joining relevant LinkedIn groups which could open the doors to new B2B relationships. Indirectly as a lead generation strategy, comment and engage with others. Have fun with it!

LinkedIn also has paid advertising opportunities which can put your brand out into users’ newsfeeds. You have the option to create text-only, video, or text-and-video marketing ads. If you’re prospecting for new leads fast, this is a great way to do it. You arguably have better targeting options on LinkedIn than on Facebook or Twitter, something which has attracted numerous businesses to it. You can target according to job titles, industries, skills, gender, age, location, followers or non-followers, schools, and more.

Some surefire ways to keep the attention of a lead, as you work to turn them into a conversion, is to include a relevant image with your paid advertising, to always use clear and concise CTAs, and to make your value proposition clear from the outset. All of this will continually influence and strategically place your lead ready to close.

For B2B marketers, LinkedIn continues to give them big returns in leads and conversions, and it can do the same for you – as long as the strategies outlined in this article are followed. Although more work is sometimes required to implement certain marketing strategies on LinkedIn – simply because of the quality of the content you’ll want – it can pay off tremendously.

Get involved with LinkedIn marketing today and speak to a social media marketing expert at Unlimited Exposure. We can help in ensuring your strategy is on-point and that every opportunity is being capitalized on!

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5 Areas of Facebook Marketing you might be Missing out on in 2019

Facebook remains one of the biggest marketing tools a digital marketer has. Continuing to maintain a monthly user base of more than two billion people, any category of business can find their target audience here. Just having a Facebook business page is not enough. As you’ll see, there are other ways you could be maximizing Facebook’s resources to up your social media revenues.


Adding to the conversation.

Don’t go on automatic with posting to Facebook. Instead, participate in the conversation by responding to direct messages, responding to comments, and being active across your page. When your target audience is trying to get into contact with you, respond. Try to initiate conversations by asking for feedback or comments. Use your Facebook as a type of customer service center and monitor accordingly. Search for new conversation-starting opportunities.

Start a Facebook Group.

Facebook Pages are a great resource however their organic reach continues to decrease, something which has turned some towards creating Facebook groups. Facebook groups are more engaging all-around, an easier place to start conversations, and can help build a community. Also, and the biggest advantage by far, is through having a group, more posts will reach your target audience via group notification settings than a regular Facebook business page.

Using Pixel to integrate an ad campaign.

Facebook Pixel is a coding option allowing business owners to filter their Facebook advertising campaigns into their websites. Using Facebook Pixel direct on your site, it will help to optimize conversions by tracking customers’ actions and using it to help you find more relevant audiences. Through the information and analytics you receive from Pixel, you can also retarget customers who’ve previously visited your site.

Organic-look Facebook ads as ‘posts’.

Facebook’s Ad Manager allows you to ‘Use Existing Post’ to turn a post you’ve made into an advertisement, saving you time on a social media marketing campaign. Instead of boosting a Facebook post or publishing a new ad, this is a better strategy. Use it wisely though. If you’ve a post that’s received a lot of engagement, take the opportunity to share it with a wider audience through converting it into an ad with Facebook Ad Manager.

Saved audiences.

Facebook’s targeting options are effective at ensuring those who see your ads are most likely to convert. Customizing the ad campaign for an audience can be time-consuming, no question. Saved audiences can help streamline these efforts though, ensuring you spend more time on crafting the perfect content. Imagine being able to launch a future campaign with a single click – that’s the power of saved audiences. Also, it makes it easy to conduct A/B testing if you have multiples to go to, giving you the chance to test out different keyword sets.

Facebook is always coming up with new digital marketing opportunities, with each year that passes. Keeping up on the latest trends, Unlimited Exposure can help with growing your social media audience. While it’s true that it’s more difficult than ever to cut through the noise on Facebook, with the right mix of strategies, we can get it done. Get ready because there’s significant growth ahead. Better reach your target audience on Facebook and see the conversions you need. Contact a representative at Unlimited Exposure today for more information.

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