Category: Email Marketing Toronto

How to Write an Email That Gets Replies – The Secrets of Email Marketing

Writing emails is hard. This is why a lot of email marketing campaigns don’t always get results. You don’t want to come off like a spam email. You want to be persuasive, have a message that’s well thought out, and which contribute value to the reader’s life.

If you are not getting replies to your email marketing, this article will help you improve your writing skills. The objective may be to get a click but the underlying purpose of an email marketing message is to start a conversation in the head of a reader. If your response rate is lower than expected, here’s what to do.


Why are my email marketing messages not getting opened?

A low percentage of replies to an email campaign can be a sign of many things. In a split second, you’re trying to get a subscriber to read an email and opt-in. No one should expect every person to do so. Your subscribers may be leading busy lives and aren’t always going to say ‘yes’ to what an email is about. Even so, absurdly low open rates and conversions are worrisome.

 A bad headline is not going to get any clicks. This is obvious. If you determine your headlines to be weak, learning how to write better may immediately change those numbers on open rates and conversions.

 The issue you have with email marketing might be they’re opening the email but not clicking through to the next step. Your email may be too long and wandering. Write straightforward, short emails that take 30 seconds or less to skim through.

 In an email, don’t waste time. State your benefits, value, and offer. Don’t beat around the bush. Give the subscriber your offer up front and then further down in your email, expand and tell them how this offer impacts them.

 Strong conversion rates on email marketing are achieved through personalization. If you’re focused on writing about yourself rather than to the needs of your subscriber, they’re going to lose interest awfully quickly.

 Spelling and grammar mistakes shouldn’t be in an email marketing message. If you’re rushing through writing an email and not paying attention, silly errors are easy to make. Always read your email over again prior to sending and double-check for grammar.

 You may not be getting replies because you’re offending the subscriber. If your email makes a promise it doesn’t deliver on, is implying that the subscriber is inadequate in some way, or spreading divisive socio-political messaging, this could be the reason subscribers aren’t replying to your email.

 Your call-to-action in an email marketing message should feature clearly. It should be straightforward the next step you expect a reader to take. A subscriber should not have to think about it.

What are the basics of an effective email marketing message?

If your email marketing campaign is not working and you don’t know why the worst action to take is to continue repeating the same type of messaging. Here’s a cheat sheet for basic, necessary elements of an email marketing message you want in place.

1. A catchy, action-oriented headline.
2. Exciting, short, and to-the-point text.
3. A personalized greeting to open the email, containing the subscriber’s name.
4. An offer stated, for your beginning.
5. How the offer contributes value to the user, for your middle.
6. A clear call-to-action that comes across as strong and persuasive, for your end.

Is your email marketing personalized and targeted to the right audience?

You won’t walk away with a high conversion rate on emails if you don’t effectively know your audience.

Divide up your subscriber base into targeted groups. At all costs, you want to avoid sending an email to a subscriber that’s not in your targeted demographic. For example, you wouldn’t sell baby diapers to a teenager. This doesn’t make sense. Boost your email marketing success by targeting customers where you’re contributing value to their lives with a product or service.

You may want to divide subscribers up by age, region, or other categories. Create customer personalities. Think of their responsibilities, professional and personal goals, daily priorities, and values.

What’s the best tone to use for an email marketing message?

The tone you use in your writing should match that of the customer. A subscriber may prefer conversational writing as opposed to more technical, formal-sounding words.

While you’re evaluating your tone, think of keywords that are likely to resonate or catch their attention. The more you know who’s receiving your emails, the better you can tailor every conversational aspect to them. If you know their pain points, challenges, or struggles, use the information to deliver quality writing in an email.

How do I write an email marketing headline?

There are 7 sales-friendly approaches to writing an email marketing headline. We suggest experimenting to see which approach best suits your clientele and your brand.

 A sense of urgency. Subscribers who feel like an offer’s time-sensitive or available for a limited time are more likely to opt-in. That said, use sparingly. Too many urgent-style marketing headlines will exhaust this approach.

 An offer that’s at a discount or free. Who doesn’t love getting a good deal? An offer for a free product or at a significant cut in price states value with clarity. There will be no confusion as to what your email message is about.

 Curiosity. This can be a tricky email marketing headline to write. The objective is to generate enough curiosity that the reader has no choice but to click. Think of situations, stories, or something that your client is not going to be able to resist.

 Self-interest. These types of email headlines are direct and mention the benefit to the audience a specific product or service will have. These are often formed in the phrase of a question like, “I have a basement leak. Is it time to call a basement repair specialist?”.

 Tell a story. Start your email headline with a tease to a story. This plays on curiosity once again and encourages one to click into the email to find out the rest. It can be difficult writing a one-line story preview though. That could prove a challenge for many.

 Authority. If you can promise some sort of exclusivity, expert advice, industry trends, or ‘secrets to’, this often works at capturing the interest of a subscriber. The most difficult aspect of writing like this is that you’ve got to pay it off in the end. If you don’t deliver, you’re only going to frustrate or disappoint the reader and they may not click on you again.

 Social proof. These include success stories, testimonials, and/or showing how others are using a product or service. It’s easier to justify a purchasing decision when there’s social evidence.

How do I make my emails visually interesting to look at?

A large area in email marketing where brands lose the interest of a prospect is in including too much text. An email is just as much about what it looks like graphically as to what it says. Animations, images, graphics, and even video. Wrap it together with a little bit of text in an attractive, easy-to-read graphic format and that’s a winning email!

The visual landscape of your email shouldn’t be unexpected or overwhelming. There are a number of email marketing grids and navigation-friendly email templates that can be used as a starting point. For added inspiration, look to emails written by your favourite brands. There are many kinds of very simple mobile-responsive graphic grids that work amazingly well for email marketing.

Write an email that gets replies, conversions, and sales. Unlimited Exposure wants to help. Dive into the deep end with unmatched expertise in digital marketing. Receive a campaign that touches on social media, web design, SEO, content marketing, and more. When it comes to marketing, you can generate strong results with UE. Join us today.


7 Ways to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rate to Connect to Customers and Prospects

Simple, effective, and viable, email marketing is a way to reach out and bring subscribers back to your website. Strategies employed on email hinge around getting you that CTR, otherwise referred to as click-through rate. If your CTR is low, you know there’s a problem that needs correcting.


The ideal CTR varies according to industry. A lot of marketers will tell you 10% or higher is worth aiming for. This may seem low but you have to acknowledge that the vast majority of people won’t open your message. Even so, the higher your CTR, the better. Here are some ways to improve your email click-through rate.

A/B testing

There are a lot of variables affecting open rates and CTR. A/B testing can show a lot of insight towards what’s working and what isn’t. You may want to switch things around, test out different subject lines, sending out at different times of day, experiment with different CTAs, and more. Testing’s all about trying new things and seeing what sticks.

Subject line

Top strategies for subject lines include to write something urgent or time-sensitive, to ask a question, to be concise, and/or to incentivize. Also, studies show personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. If/when possible, personalize your subject line. They matter! If you don’t capture attention in two seconds or less, you run the risk of having your email passed over.


Segment your email subscriber list into different groups. Email marketing programs do this with ease. Divide according to demographics, location, age, gender, and more. This way, you can blast an email with ease. Segmented email campaigns have an open rate 15% higher than campaigns which haven’t been segmented.

A double opt-in

A lot of brands will collect email subscribers with a single click. This may leave you with fake or incorrect emails though which will flood your click-through rate with no activity. Instead, use a double opt-in where someone initially signs up to be an email subscriber and then, opts in again in a confirmation email received after the original sign-up.

Action-oriented language

Use action-oriented language, with a clearly marked CTA, and with consistent branding throughout. When we use action-oriented language, it means you’re pulling the reader towards an action. An effective marketing email message has a defined goal and target. Every word, image, and layout choice is crafted around making the desired action.

User experience

Put yourself in the audience’s shoes and ask yourself, does your email offer something of value? Stuffing someone’s inbox with yet another email is junk. You don’t want your email marketing campaign to come across like spam or junk mail. Focus on crafting the perfect UX in design, messaging, and approach.


Mobile responsive email design should be priority as you never know what type of screen you’ll have it opened on. Ensure any functional components, like buttons or your call-to-action, are easily displayable. Consider doing some testing on your own devices to verify the layout works. Visuals and text should both be presented as you intend, piquing interest and encouraging that click-through.

Launch a high-performance, results-driven email marketing campaign today with Unlimited Exposure’s expertise. Blend it with social media, video, photo strategies, web design, content marketing, and more. Get creative, tap into the right tools and resources, and let’s boost that click-through rate to heights it’s never seen before! Contact us today.


7 Must-Know Info Points to Start Your Instagram and Facebook Marketing Campaign With

So many social media platforms and strategies, so little time and money. Where to focus your energy relies on knowing where the best return is. Instagram and Facebook are the world’s two biggest social platforms, almost with equal audience in size though key differences in demographics, marketing method, and return. Here are a few points to hang onto when creating and crafting a cohesive social media marketing plan for Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms.

7 Must-Know Info Points to Start Your Instagram and Facebook Marketing Campaign With


Sharing on social media is all about tapping into people’s emotions. It makes it matter. Connect emotionally with a user and they’ll remember you. The emotion can be whatever you need it to be, whether that’s enjoyment, sadness, anger, happiness, or otherwise. The important thing is soliciting a response from the user so that they make that connection. The most successful social media marketing campaigns drip with emotion off every word.

Buyer personas

You may not be able to get completely in the head of a buyer/customer but with the right research, you can build a buyer persona. These describe your ideal buyer and you can tailor content accordingly. Identify key elements such as the type of work they do, interests, income, location, age, how they share content, their pain points, life goals, and things they like to do.

Ask questions

Use social media to do some market research. Ask questions. Help yourself understand your customers better by giving them a voice and listening to their comments or votes. It’s a free opportunity for you to learn and it lets a follower feel heard.

Using a clear CTA

Call to actions in line with brand messaging and tone should be given in every message. When a user knows what action you expect them to take, they’re more likely to comply with the desired result. It might be to share, like, subscribe, comment, or otherwise. Creating conversation can involve trial and error but once you know how and where to employ CTAs, you’ve solved an element of social media marketing that every successful brand before you has conquered.


For millennials and younger generations, influencer marketing’s a major influence. Influencers advertise product to their followers. Many can move mountains in an eighth of a heartbeat, establishing new brands. They have personal connection with their audience and setting up a campaign through influencers can achieve a level of brand awareness that’s probably not otherwise possible. Instant results.


Be it Facebook or Instagram marketing, both carry different audiences. Instagram tends to be younger, for example, while Facebook has accounts from people of every age, culture, and background. Before you commit to a social media platform, investigate if in fact your buyers actively participate in the conversation there.

New tools

Social media’s always advancing and expanding with new tools. Every year, something new introduces itself on Instagram or Facebook. Not to mention there are new hashtags every day you may be able to piggyback on. There’s also digital marketing automation tools which makes posting to multiple platforms, procuring photos, and monitoring the conversation around your brand so, so easy.

Social media’s a powerful tool. Key social points like these can really form the basis of a highly effective campaign. No digital marketing strategy in 2019 is complete without a social element. Tap into yours with Unlimited Exposure today.


Customize Your Email Marketing Message Using This Basic Email Skeleton

Email is an often overlooked marketing medium to communicate with customers and generate strong ROI. Despite the perception that email’s not as much a priority as social media or other marketing channels, email’s directly responsible for billions of dollars’ worth of sales every year. Crafting a successful campaign relies on boosting key metrics – open rate, click-through rate, conversion rates, and more.

Customize Your Email Marketing Message Using This Basic Email Skeleton

Push email subscriber sign-up

For email to work, you need subscribers. Provide a sign-up box on your website and encourage sign-ups whenever appropriate. After a customer’s signed up, send them a confirmation and provide some insight on how often they can expect marketing messages from you. By setting expectation, you ensure you maximize the chance of an open, click-through, and sale.

Choose a striking, simple image

Image attracts the eye. After your email has given their click, quality images can help to enrich the email. That said, be careful about how many you use. It oftentimes only takes one or two, unless you’re sending a larger eCommerce email with multiple products featured.

An unexpected subject line

Every email marketing message deserves a quality, not-boring subject line. This is what will determine open rate, more than anything. Be a bit ‘out there’ with it. Make your email feel less about promotions and product, and more about the customer.

Be purposeful and add value

You don’t want to send an email that doesn’t have a clearly defined purpose. The reader wants value. This can be done in a number of ways, such as emphasizing a new product or offering discounts. Or, alternatively, advertise a blog on your site that you know has received a decent amount of clicks or a piece of content that’s instructional or educational.

Identity what action you want them to take

If it’s not obvious what’s expected from them, a reader’s unlikely to click on anything. With your Call-to-Action, be direct. Your CTA should also be easily seen in the email marketing design. A cluttered visual design is only going to make this worse so choose what you put in wisely.

Look at your analytics

Study your analytics and see what people are engaging with most. The open rate is arguably most important but there’s a lot of data you can cull together from a campaign. You may discover certain days of the week or certain times of day are best to send an email. You want to find the sweet spot on what to send, when to send, and how to structure your visual design. For inexperienced brands, it can take sometimes months to figure this out.

This is your basic email skeleton. Now it’s what you do with it!

These are just the necessities to what we would call a successful email marketing campaign. Be creative with what you do with your email messages. Email can drive sales in a big way but you still face the challenge of cutting through the noise.

Ask yourself, if your email was sitting in an inbox with 50 messages unopened, would yours be the first one your subscriber clicks? If you’re unsure, you may need to re-think and come up with something better. A well-structured email marketing campaign delivers value and ROI. Need help? Speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today for more information.

Source  :

5 Email Marketing Messages for eCommerce to Instantly Increase your Click-Throughs

You may be nervous about tapping into email marketing automation and you’re not alone. Automating anything sounds bad but not only will it save time and money, it also works with the right messaging.


For eCommerce businesses using email to sell product, there’s significant opportunity here to acquire leads, convert those to sales, and cultivate repeat customers, but again you need the right messaging. By programming these messages into your eCommerce email marketing campaign, you’ll be ready to leverage your subscribers to generate more revenues.

Welcome message

When someone joins your email subscriber list, set up a ‘welcome message’ to send right away. This is the first email your subscriber will receive from your brand. It’s first contact. Explain things such as how often email messages will be sent, what kind of content they may find, any advantages or benefits to being a subscriber, and how to contact if they have a question. In addition to a website link, include social media links and maybe, a special discount as a thank you!

Abandoned Cart message

If someone has visited your eCommerce store, put items in a shopping cart, and then left prior to completing a purchase, set up an automated email message that encourages them to follow through on their decision to buy. Include something like a special offer, like a discount on their purchase or a ‘free shipping’ coupon. In the meantime, you can figure out why people are abandoning their carts and hopefully fix the problem.

Cross-selling messages

If a customer’s made a purchase from your eCommerce website, an automated message suggesting related products or services can be effective at cross-selling. Identify groups and pairings. This isn’t easy to set up with the right email marketing client. A discount and sense of urgency related deadline can also help to increase those conversions.

Birthday message

Everyone loves free stuff and discounts, especially on their birthday. Set up an automated message wishing them well on their birthday, with a special offer attached. This sort of stuff deepens the relationship between brand and consumer, and helps to get you awareness. Acknowledging birthdays has been shown to increase loyalty, sales, and is an effective brand advocacy approach.

Re-Engagement messages

If you aren’t getting clicks, ask yourself why. Subscribers that aren’t opening their emails affect deliverability. This means future messages make it to fewer inboxes overall. For brands seeing negative CTRs, re-engage subscribers or remove them from your list. How often you send re-engagement emails can vary. If someone hasn’t opened an email from you in 6-12 months, consider sending them a message asking why. You don’t want to be too quick to pull the trigger however you also don’t want these people bringing your email marketing campaign either.

eCommerce email marketing can verge on annoying when too many messages get sent. Automating helps to prevent that. It keeps track of where each subscriber is at and sends them appropriate messaging relevant to their unique consumer experience. If you aren’t already engaged with an email marketing client capable of automation, get it done. It saves time and money. You’ll be shocked by how much of a difference messages like these can be in your marketing campaign. Who doesn’t want to sell more product? Well, email marketing’s one way to do it.

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9 Amazing Tricks to Use on Email Marketing Campaigns to Save Time, Effort, and Money

Are you launching a new email marketing campaign? Have you struggled in the past with creating effective, profitable email marketing messaging? If you answered yes to either of these questions, these are a few tricks to help maximize your results.


A/B testing.

How to get more email subscribers means nothing if your email marketing isn’t purposeful and effective. A/B test email copy frequency. Test subject lines, CTAs, and preview texts. See what works for your audience and follow it.

Contextual CTA buttons.

CTAs shouldn’t be generic. Ask yourself if your CTA is descriptive enough, if it’s easy to act on, and/or if it’s hard to miss. A CTA should create a sense of urgency while mixing well with all elements around it as well as the text in the email.

Use a cliffhanger in your subject.

The best way to get people to open your emails is to make them curious with a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers hold something back from the reader, driving their curiosity to click. You can do this by asking a question or using an incomplete subject line, such as ‘The secret to success is…’ although you want to be careful not to overuse it as cliffhangers can get annoying.

Prioritize engagement.

In email marketing, the purpose of a message is not to boost sales but rather, it’s to increase engagement. Focus on building a relationship with subscribers. Let them know more about you and don’t sell so hard in every message you send.

Maintain email subscriber lists.

Remove email addresses that are hampering your delivery and affecting your email credibility. Important as it is to grow your email subscriber list, you’ve got to filter out the subscribers who aren’t responding due to a technical issue.

Double-open strategy.

Double-open strategy is when you re-send the same email to the subscribers who didn’t open your first email however you do so with a different subject line. Studies have shown, more subscribers will open your emails when you do this and you won’t have to craft an entirely new email. Remember, 7 out of 10 people on your email subscriber list aren’t going to open your message. When you re-send with a newly captivating subject line and optimized text, this increases.

Concise subject lines.

A subject line should not be long. Did you know 51 percent of email marketing messages are opened on mobile platforms – it’s true. You don’t have space to be anything else but concise and compelling. Keep things short with numbers, symbols, emojis, and creativity.

Your preheader is important.

Just as central to your email as the subject line, your preheader text can increase open rates. So many businesses neglect to fill this space with something eye-catching and click-friendly. Preheader text is almost like a second subject line. Use it as such and approach with care.

Don’t send too many emails.

A recent study showed 46 percent of email subscribers will either mark your emails as spam or unsubscribe altogether. That activity has to do with too many messages being received, among other things. Cap how many emails you send to a subscriber and be reasonable.

Unlimited Exposure invests a lot into its email marketing campaigns. If you are looking for a campaign that will generate for you your maximum result, contact a representative today.

Source :,-effort,-and-money.html

5 KPIs in Email Marketing to Let You Know if your Strategy is working

Email marketing is a lead nurturing strategy, sales technique, and an overall excellent way to reach your customers. Through email, an eCommerce company or any brand can feature products, videos, and send personalized messaging straight to a user’s inbox. Judging what makes your email marketing strategy successful, there are several metrics to pay attention to. Here’s a quick list of the five most important email marketing KPIs to keep in mind.


Unique opens

Unique opens is how many people have opened your email. This gives you a clear picture on how much interest your email is generating on its’ own, prior to any open. It’ll indicate how enticing your subject line is and how engaged your customers are with your brand. If you find you have a low ‘unique opens’ or if it’s going down, some tips to get it up include to express either exclusivity or time sensitivity in the subject line, using numbers in the subject line, and personalizing your emails based on geography.

Click-through rate

Click-through rate is how many people clicked a link in your email. This helps to indicate how persuasive the information you’re sending is and if your email marketing design is successful. If you’re with a decent amount of unique opens but aren’t getting the click-through rate you want, try to adjust the amount of emails you’re sending, make your links more attractive by trying out different CTAs, or embed videos which are known to increase CTRs by up to 65 percent.

Forward rate

The total number of forwards, or forward rate, indicates how many people forwarded your email to someone else. If you’re looking to attract new customers and you’re openly encouraging customers to share, this can be an important metric. If you want to have a higher forward rate, you may want to offer a discount code for forwarding your email to a friend. By looking at your forward rate, you can better determine whether there’s any work that needs to happen on a campaign.

Email-generated sales

Email-generated sales is perhaps the ultimate email marketing KPI. If you’re not getting revenues from your emails, that’s not good. You want a strong ROI. Although you may miss one or two in this metric, there are ways to track email-generated sales through platforms like Shopify and Woocommerce. To boost email-generated sales, try offering coupon or discount emails, or if appropriate, themed or seasonal sales emails.


Bounces identify how many emails did not make it to your subscribers’ inboxes. It’s a problem if you have too many bounces. A ‘soft bounce’ indicates a person’s email is valid but for some reason, the message wasn’t delivered. A ‘hard bounce’ indicates your email’s been rejected. Continue to send emails that bounce and your email address will be flagged for spam. That’s difficult to shake. Ideally, your bounce rate should be zero. The best thing to do is, if you see emails bouncing, clean up your email subscriber list immediately.

Are you looking for email marketing help? Contact a digital marketing expert at Unlimited Exposure today to launch a new email campaign with all the pieces in place to maximize your return. It’s our passion to design, create, and implement email marketing campaigns for our clients. Reach out to Unlimited Exposure right now.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Emails for Smartphones, Tablets, and Mobile Devices

More than half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. If you’re not already optimizing your email marketing for mobile, you’ve got to start. Desktop platforms are seemingly on a steady decline. The Internet is moving to mobile. Increase customer engagement and acquisition through these mobile-based email marketing strategies.


Subject line

So much focus for email marketing is placed on the subject line. Short, succinct, compelling and informative, choosing what is most likely to engage your audience can be tough to think of. Be sure to invest the time to come up with a subject line you can be proud of and which will deliver the messaging you want in a click-friendly phrase.

Pre-header text

Pre-header text refers to the first line in your email copy. This is visible from the user’s email inbox and is just as important as the subject line. Keep it short and punchy. For some, they may want to make the pre-header text a response or continuation of the subject line. For others, the pre-header text may jump right to a price advertisement or percentage discount.

Email buttons

Email buttons are ideal for Call-to-Actions. Text-heavy emails don’t perform well on mobile devices. A button is more effective, by far, than a hyperlink in an excessive amount of text. Buttons are distinct and should be emphasized by the white space around it. Use phrases like ‘Find out more’, ‘Download now’, ‘Shop today’, and ‘Get exclusive access’ to lead a reader’s attention to your email marketing CTA button. Words like ‘today’ or ‘now’ can help create a sense of urgency, further helping someone feel the necessary desire to click.

Adaptive emails

Pre-designed, mobile responsive email templates can generally be customized to suit your needs. Emails which can detect a device and be adapted to one’s screen size can be an intelligent move. No matter if it’s an iPhone, Android, or tablet, if your digital marketing strategy is to have more control over your presentation online, a responsive design does that. Adaptive emails will present your design the way you want it to.

Single column v. multi-column

Email marketing design comes in two general designs. Single-columns are text-based emails that allow someone to skim the contents quickly and generally allow for more pronounced headlines. Comparatively, multi-column emails are rarely used these days as they make reading more difficult on mobile devices. That said, if you’re using more images and are an eCommerce site, setting up multi-column product displays can work. Even so, they should be used sparingly.

These are just some of the ways we choose to optimize our email marketing campaigns for smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices. As the nature of mobile devices is changing, adaptability, responsiveness, and being easy to consume are the three primary objectives we expect to see prioritized in the future.

If you’re seeking assistance in implementing an email marketing campaign for your business, contact an expert at Unlimited Exposure. Highly skilled in SEO, content marketing, email, eCommerce, video, social media, and more, allow us to help bring your business to new heights. Achieve a great performance and improve your approach to see big results with the customers you want. Nurture leads, attract back past customers, and see your website’s conversion rates improve in a big way.

Source :,-tablets,-and-mobile-devices.html

Is There a Way to Create High Quality Content Fast for my Website to Help my SEO – read here!

We all want more content to promote. It helps strengthen our websites, boost our SEO, and provides us something to use on social media. That said, it takes time, effort, and money to get that content.


Content marketing is still one of the most powerful weapons there is in digital marketing. To keep pace with others in competition with you though, you may want to produce more content faster. This is natural however it can cost you. No one wants low quality content – not you nor the consumer.

Roundup posts.

Roundup posts are essentially a way to collect links to articles you’ve read through industry publications throughout the week and to use these as a way to generate clicks for yourself. Roundup posts are easy to write and are simple summaries of what interests you or your users. Although they don’t present much value months down the line, they can be a nice way to distribute others’ content, building relationships with other websites, and to give your readers something to consume while you’re working on your next great content marketing piece.

Leverage your evergreen content.

‘Evergreen content’ is content which is still relevant and useful months after it’s been published. This type of content can help provide you followers for possibly years down the line, contributing long-lasting value and momentum. Examples of evergreen content includes ebooks, industry analyses, instructional videos, and long-form blogs. If you don’t focus anywhere else, focus here because this content you can develop at an even pace and still have it bringing in clicks for a long time. This will take some stress off you to continue producing more and more content.

Tapping into user-generated content.

Ask yourself if there’s a way to get your customers involved in developing content. Credible, authentic testimonials. Guest blogs. Launching a social media contest and using the pictures as well as text in return to formulate on-site content. There are several ways you can do this. By involving your customers, you take some of the weight off you while also making your customers feel as if they’re participating in your brand. This is a huge positive for everyone involved.

Recycle the articles that are working.

If you have content that’s getting you a lot of clicks, recycle it by re-publishing it on your site. This can enhance your SEO, social media, and continue to build audience. Don’t do it all the time however throwing in a recycled piece here and there can help add some bulk to the content you’re putting out. Just remember, do so with only your most popular pieces. Look at what’s performing on your site as well as what’s done well on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn. Once an unpopular piece will not magically become popular.

Build your content marketing plan with only the highest quality content there is and do it with Unlimited Exposure. Progress with building audience, generating leads, and creating conversions using only solid content with long-term value. Excel on your budget and with the resources available. Share on social media, in email, and see big returns. Digital marketing is what we do best. Contact a content expert today at Unlimited Exposure to see the impact some help can make.

Source :

Integrating every Digital Marketing Channel into one Omnidirectional Strategy to Maximize the Benefit

Omnichannel marketing is connecting with your customers across multiple platforms – such as through text, voice, video marketing, email marketing, and social media. A seamless user experience across every channel builds customer loyalty.


Consumers have multiple touch-points on which they can be reached and more than ever, they’re expecting brands to be able to reach them on each. There are three other digital marketing strategies in opposition to an omnidirectional strategy – traditional which is a physical brick-and-mortar location; eCommerce which is the selling of products or services online; and multi-channel marketing which is comprised on various disconnected channels consumers use independently. Comparatively, omnichannel marketing uses all channels interconnected – the key difference.

Shoppers being treated with an omnichannel approach spend up to 300% more on average. Omnichannel digital marketing is not easy to implement though, especially in larger organizations as it requires every department and manager to work together under a unified strategy. You’ve got to remember though customers do not see each of your digital marketing channels independent from others. Your brand is your brand, no matter where they see it. A seamless experience is almost a necessity in this day and age. Customers like interacting with brands over multiple channels. For long-term customers, omnichannel marketing is a recommendation.

One area of omnichannel marketing to pay attention to is mobile. There are more mobile searches today than on desktop platforms, more eCommerce purchases on mobile platforms, and online traffic as a whole has moved towards mobile. If you haven’t already embraced mobile, you’re late to the party. That said, there’s a lot of obstacles in the face of a customer buying a product – such as trouble finding information and inappropriately lengthy checkout processes. Organizations have to compete to attract and retain customers. Enter in ‘channel switching’.

Channel switching allows a consumer to move from one channel to another without interruption. It also allows a customer to browse your brand’s online presence across multiple devices. Over 67% of eCommerce customers start shopping on one device and then, finish on another. On average, they will also use roughly 10 sources of information prior to making a final decision on buying. Brands need to be ready to catch a customer at-home, on-the-go, or in-store. An omnichannal marketing strategy provides ways for customers to complete their purchases on almost any channel, integrating emerging trends and mobile responsiveness at seemingly every opportunity.

In business, consumers call the shots and there’s no one platform they’re using above others to connect with their favourite brands. That challenges websites and eCommerce brands to go the extra mile in connecting every channel they’re operating in, and to create marketing strategy adopted across every one. Believe us when we say, engagement will grow and so will sales. Eliminate the thought of each marketing channel having its own independent strategy. To stay profitable, an inter-channel strategy is needed.

Unlimited Exposure is a premiere digital marketing agency with expertise in video marketing, eCommerce, SEO, social media, and omnichannel approaches. Improve your lead generation and conversion, see big results, and achieve the highest ROI when you partner with Unlimited Exposure. Allow us to tweak, create, and integrate creative digital marketing strategies across your company’s several digital marketing channels. Speak with an expert today.

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