Month: June 2018

5 Ways to keep your Website Conversion-Friendly and generating Real Results!

The ultimate marketing tool for your small business is a website. When successfully built, a website is easily the best salesperson you’ll ever have. A website can act as a net by which to gather new customers, can entice past customers to continue their relationship with your company, and is your very own online business card legitimizing your business and its operations. Here are 5 ways to keep things conversion-friendly and to help you generate tremendous results.


Simple, intuitive navigation

Any visitor who comes to your website wants to find useful, relevant information. Bad navigation that separates them from acquiring that information will send them into the arms of your competitors. Easy navigation through your site’s contents is imperative. Information pages, product descriptions, customer service contact information, and anything else relevant should be readily accessible. There should be no confusion, from a customer’s perspective.

A clear message on every page

When a prospective customer visits your page, you only have roughly 59 seconds to secure their interest. Every page on your website should be designed with a clear message in mind, communicating simple, relevant information. The home page and any landing pages should be designed with intense care, presenting products and services, your company’s mission, and communicating lifestyle. From the very second they log onto your page, there should be no guesswork as to where they are or how to find what they’re looking for.

Fast loading times

Be it on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, slow loading times will kill your conversions. We are all impatient. More than 40 percent of visitors, on average, will leave your website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. For eCommerce sites, it’s not uncommon for load times to be longer than 3 seconds. For any site though, load times are something to examine and work on. This is where an experienced web design company would come into play. They can optimize loading times, ensuring customers are pleased. Also, Google rewards quickly loading sites with higher search engine placement so it’ll help your SEO as well!

No video autoplay

Video marketing is all the rage today with websites signing up for YouTube and sharing media via Instagram regularly. For any embedded videos on your site, be sure to turn off autoplay. According to a recent survey, more than 70 percent of website users find video autoplay to be more of a turn-off than anything helpful. The same thing applies to audio autoplay. In general, anything that is forced onto the user without their consent, they’re likely to reject. Think U2’s Songs of Innocence which was gifted through Apple’s platforms in 2014. That’s not the vibe you want to set.

Be active on your website

A website works best when it’s active so be sure to post news regularly, update the blog on scheduled days, and ensure the information on your site is always up to date. There’s no need to overdo the updates however ensuring you go over things once per week is a good start. Think new, relevant blogs as well as updating sales and promotions, changing out featured projects on your main page, and more.

For more information on how you can build and successfully market your website, visit Unlimited Exposure. Using hundreds of techniques to optimize your website, instantly attract more visitors and begin reaping the rewards!

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5 Directions Digital Marketing might be Headed in for the rest of 2018 and into 2019

 Predicting what’s going to be the next big trend in digital marketing is something the industry seems perpetually fascinated with. Though no one can say for sure, the ability to look ahead and accurately predict where consumer behaviour is headed towards next promises rich rewards. Though we don’t claim to know anything more than what the top industry experts know, at Unlimited Exposure, we do have some ideas as to where you dollar might be best invested. These are the top 5 directions we strongly believe digital marketing to be headed towards in the next eighteen months.

digital marketing - unlimitedexposure

Direction 1 – Creativity is King

Creativity in reaching the consumer and fostering engagement has become far more valuable than using the same marketing strategies everyone else does. Give some thought into unexpected ways to have fun and engage your client base. You may be pleasantly surprised at how successful non-traditional, unique marketing techniques can be.

Direction 2 – More Trust in the People they Know and lacking interest in Ads

Traditional advertisements are not as successful today as they have been in the past. Consumers now trust people they know, editorial sites, product reviews, and branded websites far more than they do an advertisement. Now, with more than thirty percent of internet users using some form of ad blocker, the best way to reach customers might not be through ads anymore. Using influencers, getting a social media conversation started, and partnering with similar brands might be recommended.

Direction 3 – Know where and how Customers Communicate

Tech has evolved so fast over the years and depending on the demographic you’re chasing, today there are at least a dozen unique ways to reach one’s target audience. It’s important to know not only where your customers are gathering but how they communicate with one another. By understanding how they communicate, a brand can mimic language, aesthetic, and more, seamlessly blending in. Communicating with customers and treating them as human beings is a sure way to engage.

Direction 4 – Free yourself from your Restriction

Internal barriers oftentimes restrict us from pursuing the full extent of our marketing dreams. Be it some fear of losing a website’s current customer base, an apprehension to re-branding, a lack of faith in the agreed-upon marketing strategy, or a lack of financial commitment, there’s a lot of restriction we can put on one another. In the long-term, the companies most successful in marketing have consistently broken through their barriers and have not been afraid to do so. At some point, we all need to take a chance if we want to see success.

Direction 5 – Be Helpful and Be Authentic

AIs and automated tech are almost sure to come with a laundry list of frustrations and ineffectiveness. Though we are watching this area very closely, we suspect the more helpful and authentic brands are, the more likely they will be able to succeed in the digital marketplace. Invest the extra effort to personalize your marketing messages, to be informative rather than sales-y, and to always be authentic to who your brand is. No one wants to be “sold” to. Instead, create conversation, be help and informational, and before long, you should see the difference.

As we look ahead to the remainder of this year and the next, these are five directions we think digital marketing may be headed towards. Visit Unlimited Exposure to speak with a representative today to get yourself set up with a unique marketing strategy to increase lead generation, generate amazing revenues, and see real results!

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Why Voice is the Next Trend in Marketing and Why you should Wait on It

 Voice marketing is a category still developing and it’s one that a lot of marketers have their eye on. As tempting as it can be to begin formulating voice-specific marketing strategies, here’s why you might want to give that a second thought.


There’s no question the growing popularity of voice-activated technology and voice search. Consumers are routinely buying virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and more, and so it’s natural to question how this consumer behaviour might impact digital marketing and advertising.

Voice search seems to be an area of voice marketing where most have their eye on as if voice search continues to improve and garner numbers, it could very well change the way SEO strategies work. According to a recent survey, 58 percent of consumers have used voice search within the last year to find local business information. Think of all the other things that we are beginning to use voice search for – making reservations at hotels and restaurants, getting eCommerce pricing, finding services, and more.

In the United States alone, it’s estimated over 60 million people use a digital voice assistant to conduct searches and place orders. According to recent statistics, it’s estimated that 20 percent of mobile searches on Google are completed by voice. There’s no questioning that, at some point, voice search will disrupt the way we do advertising. Some are predicting it will transform the user experience, open up new marketing opportunities, and allow brands to get more creative. Consumption patterns, consumer behaviour, and future marketing technology all has the potential to change.

But wait! As impressive as these numbers are, we don’t think you should jump on the voice marketing trend just yet and here’s why. Voice search will change the way the digital user experience works for some however it has not changed yet. To what it will change to, we don’t quite know. Though there are plenty of predictions, no one can say for sure what the future holds regarding voice assistants. Similar to the hype surrounding wearables years ago and the immediate marketing push to set them up as the ‘next big thing’, voice assistants could peak at a certain point and end up in the same basket. That’s precisely why we want to hold off on changing all marketing and advertising to target voice search and voice marketing.

Voice is a secondary component to contemporary marketing however it’s one that is growing and getting more important by the year. Voice is not something to ignore. Keeping this in mind, as marketers, we have voice marketing strategies that capitalize on existing trends.

If the goal is to establish a connection with customers and to get the word out on product, services, and branding, voice marketing will absolutely have a role to play in the years to come. As a premiere Toronto digital marketing company, we continue to help our brands adapt to the latest trends in voice marketing, eCommerce web design, and more.

For more information on how to use voice marketing to maximize the sales opportunities in this space, feel free to contact Unlimited Exposure to speak with a representative today. Voice will open up significant opportunities for marketers and brands to get creative, interact with customers in some amazing and new ways, and make sales. We’ve got a keen eye on voice marketing moving forward and the different ways its reach can be harnessed to generate real results!

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Social Media is something the World’s Biggest Corporations still Don’t Understand

Social media marketing is something that even some of the world’s largest corporations don’t always fully understand. As corporations, small businesses, and entrepreneurs continue to learn how to use social media, they may be sacrificing valuable dollars.


If customers are leaving negative reviews on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media applications, you may already be losing. This is the dark side of social media and it’s something that we all need to get a better grasp on.

Social media marketing is an excellent way to promote and build followings. The opportunity for customers to leave comments and reviews is integral to the success of a social media brand. When a given platform is not being adequately handled, negative comments can build up, creating negative brand reputation. Though this type of activity might not have a direct and immediate impact on your business, here’s why every company should learn how to control this avenue.

For new customers coming to your brand and seeing these reviews, comments, and complaints, they’re immediately going to associate the bad with the quality of your management, service, and product. If someone communicates a public comment about your brand, a social media marketing campaign that knows how to manage these complaints will respond, address the complaint in a timely manner, and ultimately provide a resolution. When no resolution is provided, these complaints are left to gather and guide the conversation about your business.

We live in an era where consumers have a lot of power in creating and guiding conversation about corporate brands. To this point, a single error by a social media account can have very serious consequences. Accidentally tweeting out an inappropriate message, seeing a post misinterpreted as racist and/or offensive, or mistiming a post can cost a corporation thousands of dollars. This has caused some companies to withdraw from social media altogether, citing the wide array of platforms in need of management.

Unfortunately, withdrawing participation from social media is not an option in this day and age. Any small company looking to expand or big company looking to maintain their market share, they must mobilize social interactions and social media platforms. How to do this is by having an expert-level social media marketer guide the creation of accounts, the sharing of posts, and handling audience targeting. As social media is always changing, it takes an experienced marketer to maximize the relevant channels and maintain consistent messaging across each.

Social media can foster positive conversation, initiate positive consumer behaviour, and streamline communications between your brand and the consumers. By communicating with customers, you create a personalized connection. It makes the customer feel heard and appreciated. This is not an easy task to do consistently however with the right social media marketer at your side, firms of any size can learn and adapt with the changing times.

If you are looking to build an easy, appealing, results-driven social media presence, please contact Unlimited Exposure to speak with a representative. Social media provides an amazing way to connect with customers and build brands at a rate that other marketing channels oftentimes cannot. Needless to say, the brands that have successfully used social media in the past decade have surged ahead in the market while those that have struggled with it have been a target for ridicule. Contact Unlimited Exposure today to begin your new social media marketing journey!

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Increase Sales with these 3 eCommerce Marketing Facts

Digital marketing and eCommerce is a landscape in constant shift. To maximize sales, acquire more qualified leads, and convert visitors into buyers, it takes great finesse and attention paid to the latest trend. As eCommerce marketing stands in today’s marketplace, these are three eCommerce marketing facts we want to share that can help identify how to target success in this category.

Fact #1 – No Customer is Just a Number

Personalization in eCommerce wins big. Consumers expect it in this day and age. They’re not just a number. They expect a friendly, personalized service and communication that appeals to who they are as people. Personalization can be acted out in many ways in marketing. Personalized eCommerce email marketing campaigns have shown to be 26 percent more successful than the non-personalized alternative. Something as simple as including a personalized subject line will ensure more people see your marketing messages. Using things like the customer’s name in an email, mentioning previous purchases in marketing messaging, and incentivizing consumer participation in brief surveys as a means of acquiring consumer info are all key personalization strategies.

Fact #2 – Social Media is a Great Source for eCommerce Sales

Every eCommerce marketing strategy should have a strong social media component included. Use social media to help shape your brand’s personality with unique, authentic messaging. Create product-specific messaging to attract consumers to specific categories of your eCommerce shop. Using paid marketing advertisements to attract qualified leads has also been shown to generate real results! Though paid marketing might not necessarily be a preferred route for some eCommerce companies, organic reach on social media has dropped by more than 50 percent on the last three years. Targeting paid ads on social media might be the perfect marriage for eCommerce companies looking to generate revenues instantly.

Fact #3 – Influencer Marketing will work wonders for your eCommerce Site

Influencer marketing is everywhere in 2018. Research has shown that people are more likely to buy a product when it is recommended to them from someone they trust. By selecting influencer marketing as a strategy moving forward, you can successfully build trust with consumers and it won’t break the bank either. According to a recent survey, businesses make roughly $6.50 for every $1.00 they spend on influencer marketing. Imagine your eCommerce site being promoted by an influencer who may have anywhere from 1,000, to 10,000, to 100,000 followers or more. All those people who may not have been exposed to your eCommerce brand previously are now made aware that you exist. Additionally, pick an influencer correctly, the return on investment could be even higher than what’s mentioned.

Increase eCommerce Profits building on these 3 eCommerce Trends

Regarding these trends and others, eCommerce profits can notably increase when one capitalizes on personalized messaging, social media marketing advantages, and strong influencer marketing campaigns. As algorithms and consumer behaviour changes, gaining success in the eCommerce space will depend on maximizing the opportunity and anticipating changes in the marketplace. At Unlimited Exposure, we can help guide your eCommerce site towards extensive short- and long-term success. The trends included in this article the ideal place to start.

For more information on how you can successfully build eCommerce sales, please speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today. As Toronto’s premiere digital marketing and eCommerce company, we have expert knowledge in eCommerce market strategies, advertising campaigns, and consumer communications.

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How to Build a Smartphone-only, Mobile Marketing Plan to Win

Critical now more than ever, a mobile marketing strategy is an efficient way to succeed in the marketplace regionally, nationally, and internationally. Today, there’s more than 50 percent of eCommerce customers shopping on mobile platforms, and more than half of online searches are done via smartphones and similar mobile devices. Any small business eCommerce site should have an aggressive smartphone-only mobile marketing plan to increase sales, revenues, and profits.


Digital media consumption is continually shifting towards mobile and handheld devices. A decade from now, the amount of users on smartphones and similar devices will be even higher. Yet still so many eCommerce platforms are still not adaptable to mobile platforms. That is an immense mistake! Consumer preference is to shop easy. When they tap into your eCommerce platform and see there is no mobile-only version, they will in all likelihood leave and go to a direct competitor. Thereby, the first step towards successfully interacting on smartphones and mobile marketing channels is to ensure your website is mobile responsive.

Next, developing a smartphone-specific mobile marketing eCommerce plan is needed. After launching mobile applications and mobile sites, eCommerce platforms have seen customer engagement grow significantly. Customer retention also sees an increase with mobile strategies, such as Mittal who improved their retention to 92 percent following the launch of their mobile application strategy. To succeed in eCommerce, a mobile-only marketing campaign is crucial to today’s success and tomorrow’s success.

Why mobile-only marketing is so important is because this is where consumers are. In order to reach consumers, mobile is where you need to target. That means, paid mobile ads, organic SEO-driven mobile presentations, social media marketing, and more. Mobile pages should be easily accessible, content should be easily read and shared, product presentation should be mobile optimized, and the cart checkout sales process should be crafted with mobile consumers in mind.

As the years go by, less and less people are going to be using their laptops, desktops, and non-mobile devices to shop eCommerce. As the eCommerce industry grows, it’s going to succeed in large part thanks to the increasing size of the mobile audience. How to build a smartphone-only mobile marketing plan is an exercise in optimizing every aspect of your digital presentation for mobile users. Any time you are presenting content, a new page, or a new product, examine it from the perspective of a mobile user. If it does not look appealing, easy to access, or sales-friendly, a change is needed.

Mobile-first marketing is a growing trend among marketers in the last few years and for the reasons we mentioned, it will likely be the way forward in how digital marketing is presented. Every day, millions of people across Canada, the United States, in the UK, and internationally are using smartphones to search, browse their favourite websites, engage in social media, and buy eCommerce. Year after year, there is increases in how many people are using smartphones, how many sales mobile eCommerce is making, and how the mobile user experience is all the more important. As one of Toronto’s top eCommerce marketing companies, this is what we pay attention to.

For more information on how to build a smartphone-friendly mobile marketing plan, speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today. We would be happy to recommend some options on how to maximize eCommerce success in your corner of the market!

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How do you Know your SEO Strategy is Working – here’s How!

To gauge whether an SEO strategy has been successful, it requires one to know where to look to measure. The most obvious answer regarding how you know whether an SEO strategy is working is in how much activity your site is generating. That said, it’s not always easy to tell whether a strategy is reaching its full potential or whether there is something else happening.


There are four key areas that you want to measure to see whether a strategy is responsible for a site’s success, including the most important of which is the amount of traffic. Cite Google organic traffic to get these numbers. Ideally, you want to separate between any organic traffic and paid search advertising traffic that may be ongoing. Areas of the site to see traffic numbers are main pages, category pages, and specific blog postings. By targeting specific areas, you should be able to narrow in on where efforts are working.

Next in line on what to look for to determine whether a strategy has been successful or not is in a page’s SEO ranking. Though this metric is highly flawed due to the number of variables involved, there are trends in SEO ranking that could indicate quite clearly whether a strategy is working. For example, grouping keywords together to measure their position over time is worthy of consideration. Determining whether a page ranking for a specific keyword is consistent or fluctuating is something else to look at.

Thirdly, there’s customer engagement. This can admittedly be measured in any number of ways, such as comments, likes, shares, sales, etc. It’s in large part up to the marketer or site owner to decide how they wish to measure customer engagement. Ultimately, it should come down to what action you want a user to take. Should you want the visitor to stay on your site and read pages of content, ‘page views per session’ is something be attentive to. If the goal is for the customer to make a purchase, measuring customer engagement by sales is recommended.

Lastly, there’s revenue or leads generated. Any SEO strategy is a financial investment that, when done successfully, can pay for itself by generating strong leads and revenues. Though many of us can get caught up on lead tracking, revenues is another metric that can be used to determine where your search engine optimization approach is working.

Remember, if you don’t know what the purpose of your SEO strategy is or how to measure it, you will never be sure if your time, effort, and financial investment was worth it. These areas of metrics is just where you may want to start. There are numerous others you may want to check out, again, depending on what the final goal is with your campaign.

As Toronto SEO experts, Unlimited Exposure has proven we know how to develop and implement a successful SEO campaign. We know what to watch out, what to avoid, and can help any site generate real results in revenue, sales, and conversion. If you aren’t already measuring your SEO campaign, we would love to discuss with you possible options moving forward, and how to target short-term and long-term SEO success. Contact Unlimited Exposure today to speak with a representative and find out how we can help your SEO strategy!

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5 Basic Ways to Publish and Promote your Content Marketing

Learn how to successfully implement a content marketing strategy and maximize the opportunities out there to promote. As digital marketing specialists, we’ve been publishing and promoting content marketing plans for years, and with great results! Here are five things to keep in mind when publishing and promoting content marketing on your website and sharing platforms. By utilizing these five basic strategies, help bring in more potential customers.


1 – See your Content from the Perspective of the Audience

Search engine optimized content should always be written for the audience first and not the search engines. If it resonates with the audience, believe us when we say it will show up in your analytics and it will have a positive effect on your search ranking. Google’s algorithms actually penalizes those articles that are a little too focused on search engines and keyword inclusion.

2 – Create Content that is Relevant for Months at a time

As important as timely articles are, creating content that is going to be relevant six months, a year, and two years down the line is oftentimes the most valuable. Via this content, equity slowly builds creating more value as the months roll by. Creating this type of content also allows you to potentially re-publish with new or updated information at a later date.

3 – Set a Consistent Publishing Schedule

To successfully establish an audience, one must develop a relationship where they can count on you to post content consistently. Set up a regular publishing schedule – i.e. every Wednesday, as an example – and stick to it. Be it a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, if you can set an expectation and come through on it, you’re likely to see visitors return to your page regularly.

4 – Write Long-Form Content that can be Easily Read

Posts that average between 1,500 and 2,000 words receive the most traffic on the traffic. When building this type of long-form content, be sure to break it up. Writing long blocks of text won’t win you any fans. Be sure to include headings and subheadings, images and video if/when appropriate, paragraph breaks, bullet points, numbered lists, and whatever else to make an article like this more digestible.

5 – Promote, Promote, Promote

Even if your content is gold, when no one knows that it exists, it’s not going to get any looks. Paid and non-paid advertising via social media gets the word out, and provides readers the chance to interact with the content posted. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more are just the beginning. Finding relevant sharing platforms is a huge part of the publish-and-promote process of content marketing.

This is the Beginning of your Content Marketing plan!

Content marketing strategies are a great way to help build an audience and to contribute value to your brand. Capitalize on the services or product you’re selling with high quality informational content that keeps fans coming back for more. As one of the top marketing initiatives of the decade, content marketing has helped thousands of new and established brands gain market share. By following these five content marketing tips, attracting attention to your business should be no problem.

For more information on how to publish and promote a content marketing strategy, contact Unlimited Exposure today. We will assign a qualified expert content marketing strategist to your brand and ensure you’re provided with useful, relevant strategies to grow your business.

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How to Use the Digital World for Event Marketing

A decade ago, doing digital marketing for events in Toronto, Canada successfully may have been as simple as creating a Facebook Event and spreading the news. Today, things are a lot more complex. Thankfully, the rewards are there to be achieved. Tech has allowed brands to promote events in ways that would have cost $1,000s decades ago. Build events like seminars, promotional events, group meetings, concerts, speaking engagements, and all sorts of event fun through social media, website SEO-driven strategies, and more. Here’s how!


Email Marketing Blasts

Email marketing is a much-needed component to any site’s and brand’s marketing plan. Email blasts can be used to spread word on an event. That said, email marketing should be built off of getting regular customers, fans, and visitors to subscribe. This is not marketing spam. This is email marketing to a targeted client base that is already interested in your brand. Blasts specific to events marketing are known to have an average open rate of 30 percent. The percentage of people from there who actually make it out to your event is going to be similarly minimal. That said, email blasts are a necessary part of using every opportunity to promote.

Social Media

Any digital event marketing should be centered on a social media strategy that gets the word out. With more than 92 percent of consumers willing to follow a recommendation from a family member or friend, this is a great opportunity to use social media to use your followers to promote to their family and friends. Consider inviting friends’ lists and encouraging followers to invite friends, using targeted ads to amplify your event marketing, creating a video marketing highlight reel from past events to share and promote on social media, and cross-promoting across different platforms.

Making the Value and Purpose of your Event clear

Throughout all of this promoting and marketing online, it’s always important to keep in the back of your mind the value proposition of an event. The audience who engages with your brand’s marketing messages should know what it is you’re promoting, why your event is important to them, and how them being at your event will be of value. Remember, when your marketing is able to create enough value in the mind of the audience, they will be more likely to engage with your event. Be detailed and strategic with your marketing, and build interest.

Email marketing, social media, and establishing the value proposition are three key strategies in successfully using the digital landscape to attract an events audience. There may be additional opportunities to promote your event online, including partnering with influencers, getting your event into different events calendars, and tapping into local classifieds. These are all techniques that may work for some. Consider hiring a digital marketing company, if you do not have one already, to help guide the financial investment for events marketing. That way, you can ensure you are making the most of the opportunities available to you out there.

To learn more about using digital marketing to promote your event, please contact a representative at Unlimited Exposure. As a premiere Toronto digital marketing company, we can direct your brand towards tactics that will garner attendance and help produce real results!

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9 Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about writing SEO-friendly copy that will engage readers. Creating effortless SEO-friendly content marketing is an art and a science. It could take months to master it and throughout that whole time, as SEO trends and strategies change, your whole approach may have to be uprooted. Thankfully, there are some basics to hang your hat on, ensuring you maximize every opportunity to produce the most effective piece of content possible.


#1 – Highlight Key Info

Before setting out to write content marketing, have bullet points of key information. Prioritize that information into an easy-to-read format. Also, providing the most important info towards the beginning of an article is recommended, ensuring the reader gets what they expect early on.

#2 – Use Headlines and Subheadings

Headlines and subheadings are a great way to break up content, keeping it easy to read for anyone browsing your page. Content marketing should be able to be scanned quickly and easily. Informative, click-friendly headlines help keep flow, engagement, and interest high.

#3 – Limit Unnecessary Detail

Be concise when you write. If there are sentences that don’t mean a whole lot and that can be taken out, remove them. Focus on the information and details that matter, and cut out anything that doesn’t.

#4 – Build Paragraphs small

SEO-friendly content marketing is not an academic paper nor is it a novel. Paragraphs should be kept short and to the point. Preferably, have one idea per paragraph. Break up more complex ideas into shorter paragraphs of two to three lines for greater effect.

#5 – Animations, Graphics, and Creativity

Content marketing today is using all sorts of tricks to keep the reader engaged. Placing animations, images, and video to support the information being discussed works wonders. Including creative captions on images and video is also a strategy widely practiced.

#6 – Minimalist white space

Break up content with white space. Walls upon walls of text are not always engaging, especially for the growing audience online that is used to shorter paragraphs. Don’t hesitate to use elements of white space to better separate individual lines as well as the paragraphs themselves.

#7 – Use your ‘Active Voice’

An ‘active voice’ is easy to read and simple to understand. When writing, don’t state your points passively. Be confident. Be direct. An active voice will help keep the audience engaged and make them feel as if they’re talking to someone in conversation.

#8 – Using bullet points

Bullet points are great at highlighting paragraphs that may be better delivered in a list format. If information is best delivered through a list, using short bullet points is great for scanning. Be careful not to overuse this type of list as it will limit its effectiveness.

#9 – Don’t be Afraid to use Large Type

Techniques such as large type, bold text, and more can help keep the eyes scanning your page for information. By manipulating font, you can also draw attention to keywords and ideas you want emphasized.

If you are interested in developing SEO-friendly content marketing for your site, please visit Unlimited Exposure today. As experienced Toronto website optimization professionals, we know the ins and outs of producing sales, revenues, and ROIs off of effective content marketing strategies. Instantly see better conversions and higher engagement when you partner with Unlimited Exposure. We are the experts in digital marketing!

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