Month: April 2018

How to Buy, Sell, and Market in a Global, International World

How to Buy, Sell, and Market in a Global, International World

Digital marketing trends in local and regional marketplaces are just as important today as those affecting the global landscape of small businesses and corporations. Today, setting up a website can get a brand seen by visitors from across the world.


This way, buying, selling, and marketing product and services in a global setting suddenly becomes a lot harder than advertising in the local papers. The more that businesses are aware of the global online world and its influence on buying and selling, the more advantaged that business will be. If you’re selling online, here’s what you need to know.


Those customers who buy locally may come to your business having seen its physical location while walking or driving by, maybe from a friend’s recommendation, and/or from having seen one of your products in action. From an international standpoint, customers are more accustomed to come to your site through search engine rankings, social media posts, online ratings or reviews, and/or influencer-based recommendations. Appealing to such a wide range of people involves knowing what keywords to target with SEO strategies and getting more involved in designing a high-conversion, high-ROI website design.


The fact that a small business website is now competing with sites from all over the world means everyone is upping their game. Those who are most effective at engaging with customers are the brands who are winning big. What works in one region might not work in another. In terms of digital marketing to multiple territories, there is rarely a single all-encompassing solution that can be applied successfully across the board. Thus, digital marketing on a more global scale should involve more research into strategies that work within their defined territory. For example, certain characteristics in a region may make a product or service highly successful. Take that some product or service and input it somewhere where those same characteristics are not present, and it will be unlikely to see the same success.


One of the main pieces of information you want to gather from multi-region research is how consumers buy. In some areas, setting up an eCommerce site is all that might be required. In other places, they may be more inclined to search social media or visit a physical location. Knowing where to invest money and where a digital marketing strategy has an advantage is key. Also, do keep in mind that in many locations, consumers continue to use the internet predominantly on their smartphones. Designing a campaign that requires a desktop or laptop screen size and that is not mobile-first is not recommended. Digital marketing needs to be adaptable to smaller, portable screens and aim its strategy to mobile above desktop.


The last point that we wish to make as it pertains to how to buy, sell, and market in a global, international world comes down to how to close the sale. Some sites will attempt to close right there on their eCommerce platform, while others will direct them to a local representative to handle it. A consumer online may be invited to call in and make an appointment, or be presented with another scenario where they are required to complete a non-site task. In each region, a small business website should establish a healthy sales funnel, complete with a strong close.


By creating small customizations to different regions, websites’ products or services can see success across their local region and around the world. Though competition is fierce, the rewards are high.

Contact us or give us  a call at 1-877-283-1831 if you need help with your business online

3 Ways to Improve Performance on a Digital Marketing Strategy that is Stagnating

3 Ways to Improve Performance on a Digital Marketing Strategy that is Stagnating

Time and time again, we’ve seen performance plateaus happen across digital marketing strategies. No matter how successful they once were, eventually, most strategies will stagnant and require an extra kick to get going again. Instead of hanging your hat on digital marketing that is slowing down, the goal should be to find new ways to improve sales performance. Use real-time data and analytics to pinpoint where things are slowing down, and learn performance improvement strategies to address these areas.


Consider undergoing UX optimization


As conversion rates move even the smallest amounts, this can establish huge rewards for a strategy. Evaluate the user experience (UX). Test the UX by getting a fresh set of eyes on it. For most companies, this involves hiring a digital marketing agency to take a look. If you do not already have the resources in place to accurately manage user experience strategies, consider it. Remember that the UX begins before a visitor has even clicked on your site. They may be coming to you according to ads they’ve seen, social media advertising, or chasing a search engine query. Evaluate all of these entry points. If these points of entry are not in perfect collaboration with what’s on your site, it may create a sort of disconnected environment.


Think about digital marketing tactics that may be changing


There is constant evolution happening in market forces, online consumer behaviour, and digital marketing technology and platform development. Consider evaluating past campaigns that failed and why. There are some businesses who may be surprised to find that what didn’t work before may be able to work today. Re-assess analytics data to see where revenues are being lost. Consider whether it’s possible that offline conversions are happening. If there is nothing in this research that has yet to provide significant insight into how to move forward, hiring a digital marketing company or digital marketing expert might help guide your business to the next level.


Why it’s important to ‘Always Be Marketing’


Even after a sale has closed, there exists the opportunity to build a repeat customer. Consider a customer’s lifetime value and work on retention. There is extensive profits that lie in LTV strategies, which could involve social media channel communications, advertising messages customized to returning customers, and relevant content that keeps the customer coming back for more. Building revenues from an existing customer base is a vehicle many have used to heighten ROI.


As digital marketing strategies begin to slow down, questioning why and determining whether a change is in order is key. Even to the best of the best, it is more than possible to plateau. It does not mean anyone has done a bad job. It just means that something has changed or is changing. If it worked before, after one finds what is not working anymore, it should make for an easy switch. Be creative in thinking about how to market, improve conversion rates, refine the sales funnel, and maximize a customer’s lifetime value. Remember, the next level of sales success might just be a quick switch away.


The world’s most successful brands have been able to change with the times. In the online world, this continues to hold true. Adaptation that increases revenues, expands reach, and improves profitability begins with identifying where digital marketing growth is stagnating. Consider hiring a digital marketing company to assist in the market strategization process.

Using Video Marketing and Video SEO Strategies to Maximize Customer Exposure

Using Video Marketing and Video SEO Strategies to Maximize Customer Exposure


We are living in the age of video marketing and video SEO, both critical components to consumer-driven marketing strategies. As more brands across the world are jumping into video marketing, the ones who are already deeply embedded into video SEO are seeing major benefits.


By producing high quality videos released regularly throughout a campaign, video content has been shown to be far more effective than text-based search engine optimization at qualifying and converting the consumer. If your business has not already launched some form of video promotional content, now’s the time.


When it comes to video production, quality, quantity, and release schedule are all equally important. To receive the best ROI, video SEO techniques need to be employed. When applied correctly, video SEO marketing can help get more eyes from social media, YouTube, and other platforms.


Even though the video content is what we are talking about here, text-based descriptions are still key. Search engines cannot appropriately interpret video content to classify it in a searchable format. Therefore, search engines depend on text to describe the video for them. By using text to describe and transcribe what is happening in the video, it allows consumers using search engines to find the video. This is a key aspect to the search engine optimization process.


The next step in the optimization process is in getting your video marketing out on the relevant platforms. Be it YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or some other search engine, the video should be uploaded as needed to relevant social media and search engine platforms. When uploading these videos onto these sites and even onto your own website, it is key to ensure all the relevant textual information is filled in, such as titles, descriptions, meta data, and more. From there, consider the different opportunities you have to promote the video, such as embedding it into blog posts, referencing it on social media, and more.


Throughout a video marketing campaign, performing A/B testing can provide a true measurement as to the success of a given video SEO strategy. For example, you may find external factors influencing how effective a video is at maximizing conversion. Titles, thumbnails, and more can significantly impact engagement. If a video is not catching a consumer’s attention, they are unlikely to click on it and may go over it completely, seeking information elsewhere. Be sure to evaluate KPIs and adjust accordingly until the desired result is achieved.


The last thing that we care to mention when it comes to building effective video marketing and video SEO is to keep things as brief as possible. There’s no reason to create a ten-minute video when a two-minute video will do. That said, if you truly feel a length is justified, cutting down things beyond what is reasonable doesn’t work either. Note that, in some categories of business, long video actually perform better than short ones. That said, be sure to consult with your video marketing company prior to deciding on a defined length.


Video marketing in 2018 continues to be a growing trend. Speak with a video marketing expert today to gain insight on how you can better engage your clientele through video SEO and within a matter of weeks, see profits maximized and greater exposure achieved!

As Facebook Organic Exposure is shrinking, what can a Small Business Do?

As Facebook Organic Exposure is shrinking, what can a Small Business Do?

What so many small business entrepreneurs experience every time Facebook implements an update to its timeline are slow reductions in the organic reach a page has. Compared to years ago when a small business page could reach well above 50 percent of their followers, today that number has sunk to under 7 percent. That makes it nearly impossible to get the word out!


More than ever before, it’s extremely difficult for a brand to keep up with their fans and to find new followers in a market that is increasingly dominated by paid advertising. For small businesses, the only thing to do in response to these changes in Facebook Timeline is to get better at branding and promotions, and be smarter with where they put their advertising dollar.


First things first, most small business pages on Facebook are not fully filled out or optimized. This means a lack of contact information, confusing or non-existent CTAs, and unclear marketing all contributes to a lack of users wanting to click on and subscribe to the page.


So in order to compete, one must first evaluate their Facebook small business page. Identify its weak points and fix them. Be sure to fill in all the information you can, supplying your page with the appropriate apps to ensure that any information a potential follower may come to your page seeking is easily found.


To this point, optimizing your page with regular updates will show that you are plugged in to what’s going on, active, and still in business. Be sure to set up regular postings at least once a week to reach the customers you can reach organically and to keep followers updated on what’s on the mind of your business.


The next thing is something that you may not want to hear. In order to reach out and attract customers on Facebook, paid advertising is a necessity. We know it sucks but it’s something every small business should be doing if they intend to advertise on Facebook. The limitations of organic reach make it near impossible to find new followers and even sometimes to connect with the existing ones. Therefore, moving forward, paid advertising needs to take up some space in your social media marketing campaign.


That said, thankfully, you don’t necessarily need to spend hundreds of dollars from the get-go. Set up the threshold for as little as $1 a day. Measure the results and invest more if you feel the rewards are worth it.


Please do keep in mind that when building a social media paid marketing campaign on Facebook, there are many ways to target audience, including by country. Be sure to do some research into what your audience is and measure the ad response accordingly.


There are a number of other ways to advertise on Facebook beyond the paid marketing channel as well. Consider Facebook Live Video as a means of connecting with followers. Consider partnering with other Facebook pages for special deals or promotions. There are numerous other techniques that can be used to make do with the limited potential of non-paid advertising on Facebook.


For more information on how to advertise on Facebook and how to get past the limited potential of Facebook Timeline, contact a social media marketing company who knows their stuff. Facebook is an amazing platform that, when played right, can help brands win big and reach more followers.

5 Tips on How to Leverage the eCommerce Market to Sell More

5 Tips on How to Leverage the eCommerce Market to Sell More

eCommerce has re-developed the markets in countries as far and wide as Canada, the United States, the UK, Japan, China, Australia, and more. Corporate business models, such as Wal-Mart, have had to adapt in order to keep up with the growing small businesses online.

With so much competition, it’s not easy attracting eyes and maximizing sales in eCommerce circles. As sales volumes increase by double-digit percentages every year, every eCommerce company has the potential to make millions. If you’ve been stuck and are looking to sell more in eCommerce, here are five quick tips on how to leverage the local and international marketplace in your favor.

Multiple sources

eCommerce companies who use every relevant avenue to market to consumers will find the most success. Just because you have an eCommerce site does not mean it is going to get qualified leads. Tap into regional and global markets, growing brand reputation across a growing number of consumers locally and worldwide.

Capitalizing on holiday boom periods

If you want to sell more, you need to know when to take advantage and launch appropriate campaigns. Throughout the year, there are numerous holiday boom periods including Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, summer vacation, back to school, Thanksgiving, and Halloween. Many eCommerce businesses work wonders are creating appealing content around these days and others. As another example, Black Friday is a huge boom period of the year for many eCommerce companies. It’s all about knowing when to pull the trigger on holiday-appropriate eCommerce marketing campaigns.

Keeping acquisition costs low

Customer acquisition costs can easily rise in eCommerce due to the high volume of competition. Invest time to research when and how to spend one’s marketing budget. The digital marketplace is filled with consumers searching out specific products. It just becomes a matter of knowing where the ‘biggest bang for your buck’ is and identifying how to reach those customers. The growth of most eCommerce companies can be directly attributed to keeping acquisition costs low and maximizing every marketing dollar.

Outsourcing logistics and fulfillment

As growth comes, costs will increase. The more that logistics and fulfillment can be outsourced, the more financial resources an eCommerce company can have to contribute to its own growth. Be sure not to sacrifice quality in outsourcing however. Fast, low-cost shipping and secure warehouse storage are key to eCommerce success just as much as anything. Keep an eye out for methods on how to scale appropriately with outsourcing as a possibility.

Payment needs are high

eCommerce expanding internationally continues to run into issues with payment needs. Every consumer has different ideas on what they will accept for payment and sellers have similar approaches to payment methods. The more real-time payment connections one can provide, the more likely they can close the sale right then and there. As the world’s currencies continue to grow in number, keep payment methods short and simple. Be sure to keep in mind local currency charges, platform fees, and the speeds at which funds clear.

Grow your eCommerce sales by double-digit percentages with a highly skilled eCommerce design and marketing company at your side. By having a qualified eCommerce marketing partner, capitalize on the opportunities out there to succeed the competition. Speak with a representative today for more information how to build your eCommerce business.



Why It’s Time to get rid of your Personal Website and hire a Web Design Company


Why It’s Time to get rid of your Personal Website and hire a Web Design Company

As we spend more time online than ever before and are more comfortable spending money online, the future of eCommerce and online websites in Canada looks strong. After all, it’s so easy today for the general consumer to just log on and buy. Thanks to content management systems and templates, it’s also real easy for companies to create their own websites. As the numbers continue to climb, you may think there’s no limit to what you can accomplish on your own.


The truth of the matter is that every small business and eCommerce site eventually hits a point where they require more knowledge than its owner may have to reach the next level. Why it might be time to get rid of your personal website and to hire a web design company ultimately comes down to what you are aiming to achieve. Though you may consider yourself an amateur web designer, you’re likely a small business owner first and thereby, you put your company’s operations before everything else. At some point, time is going to be stretched pretty significantly. Also, on top of that, eventually every website runs into some snags and issues. A web design company will not only know how to handle these issues but put in the code to prevent similar problems from happening again down the line. For a small business owner to accomplish the same thing, it might take hours to do the research and to try different things.


When it comes to winning customers online in eCommerce, you want to tap into all available avenues, including search engine optimization (SEO), digital marketing, social media, and more. Just by having a website, it does entitle anyone to success and by not having these channels open, it cuts down on the amount of revenue you could be generating. For small businesses who have never had a website before and who don’t have a dime to give to a web designer, we absolutely understand why building a personal website has its advantages. A thriving eCommerce business though requires some sort of experienced web designer on its side to get it to the next level and to open up new customer acquisition channels.


Even before we jump into the digital marketing perspective of things, a web designer can help remedy the problems that are plaguing your website that you may not even know about. An experienced web design company can improve navigation, loading speed, and yes, conversion rates. Receive a more attractive web design that intuitively connects users to products they are searching for. Even though there are open source platforms that provides you the opportunity to throw a website together, it does not necessarily mean that’s the best way forward. The time and effort you put in is a direct reflection of your business. Take the time to connect with a web design company who knows how to bring your vision to reality.


In all likelihood, your website is competing against local small businesses and larger corporations. Choosing a web design company will drive real business results, represent your brand in the most accurate and professional of ways, and provide you access to a team of highly qualified specialists. To ensure long-term growth and success, a web design company comes with many advantages that are worth looking into for any small business owner.

Using Pinterest to reach Customers, Build Business, and increase Revenues


Using Pinterest to reach Customers, Build Business, and increase Revenues

It’s easy to dismiss Pinterest as a social media channel that you don’t need to tap into as a small business. After all, it’s not Facebook, it’s not Instagram, and it’s not Snapchat. Pinterest is a collection of photos and photo albums created by users, sharing things ranging from recipes to DIY projects, rock stars from yesteryear, and wedding décor and wedding gowns. At least from a basic understanding, that’s what most people probably see Pinterest as.


The reality of Pinterest is that though it might not be one of the hotter social media platforms, it still boasts millions of monthly active users and is a unique way to target specific categories of the marketplace. There are opportunities here to acquire high-volume traffic and qualified sales leads. There’s even some research that shows Pinterest to be better at attracting traffic to small business websites than any other social media channel, including Facebook. That said, a brand needs to know how to use Pinterest in less sales-y ways to increase revenues. In most cases, this involves some creativity, and non-sales related marketing that focus less on the products and more on the lifestyle.


Where any small business should begin with Pinterest is in realizing that this is a visual platform. Therefore, it requires visual content that is beautiful, fun, and real. Show how your brand makes people feel and incorporate products or services into that however do so in a way that is not overly sales-esque. Small businesses such as wedding décor companies, clothing eCommerce retailers, or design firms have the advantage in a visual medium because it’s easy to express what they’re about. Also, users are accustomed to seeing these types of businesses promote through photos. If your small business is in a less visual medium, Pinterest photos can still work however you need to find what works for you and your audience.


At every opportunity, instead of using direct text to link a user back to your website, link images and small parts of the image description to your site. Though Pinterest links are ‘nofollow’, they still can help drive traffic which is the key thing of what you should be trying to accomplish. By employing analytics software, it’s possible to see how many people have clicked on links and what photos are resonating enough with your Pinterest audience to make a click. This type of data mining can help determine what items or services are more visually inclined as well.


Be sure to link your Pinterest account with other social media accounts as well, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or whatever else you may have on the go. This way, you can interconnect the photos you post on one platform and share them across multiple channels.


Just in the same way you might research SEO keywords, make a list of relevant social media hashtags to pin with your photos on Pinterest. This will help keep the content easy to find and search-friendly. To this point, many small businesses take the time to hold a contest on a hashtag, spurring engagement and helping to promote a specific category of branding, product, or services.


Throughout the past decade, numerous companies have used Pinterest, Instagram, and similar photo-sharing image-friendly social media platforms with great success. For more information on how to increase revenues via social media like Pinterest, speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today.

SEO Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for eCommerce Websites seeking to make an Impact

SEO Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for eCommerce Websites seeking to make an Impact

Design, site implementation, and search engine optimization-specific strategies each play a significant role in determining where a given eCommerce site ranks. Search engines are major sources of traffic and revenue, and should be factored into the marketing plans of every eCommerce site. In this article, we share some tips, tricks, and techniques on how to rank your eCommerce website at the top of search engines everywhere.

To begin with, ensuring a site’s eCommerce catalogue is easily readable is key. Remember, specific products and services pages will fight for their own search engine ranking. Thus, every page must be optimized in order to drive their own ranking success in addition to strengthening the quality and opportunity of the eCommerce site to rank. Taxonomies should include landing pages for each keyword you are intending to rank for. Thereby, divide up your category of product into specific areas of navigation. For example, if you wish to rank according to gender, design a landing page for women’s items and men’s items separately. This way, you can successfully target keywords as appropriate.

In filling out an eCommerce site with keywords and relevant SEO strategies, keep in mind to ensure subcategories of pages do not result in duplicate content. Ideally, what an eCommerce site should be built to do is to drive organic search revenues down through each of these product channels. To this point, ensure that there are more than images included. Search engine crawlers cannot process images in the same way they can text. Therefore, text-based product descriptions and text fields need to be embedded in product pages to assist with search engine ranking.

Beyond these suggestions, there are other basics to keep in mind – such as optimizing title tags and meta descriptions with relevant content and keywords, focusing on the mobile-responsive experience to maximize exposure through Google’s mobile-first index, using structured product data including product ratings and price to enhance search results, and ensuring that no soft 404 errors are found.

Though eCommerce site optimization for search engines may sound complicated, with a high quality content management system in play, it becomes easier. Ensure that a CMS such as WordPress is employed to allow content to be routinely replaced, edited, and created. Headings, promotions, body, and product descriptions should be changed in accordance with the latest in one’s search engine optimization strategies. By having a content management system at work, it becomes easier for site owners to oversee their eCommerce SEO campaigns.

The very last thing we want to mention as it applies to eCommerce SEO tips is to implement a web analytics program. This way, a site owner has the opportunity to view the data on where they are getting hits from, what strategies are working and what is not, and how conversions are as they pertain to the organic search engine traffic an eCommerce site receives.

Through the use of resources such as Google Search Engine and Google Analytics, there is a near endless amount of data one can sift through to help determine how to better optimize their website.

eCommerce is a highly competitive space and in order to succeed in their respective regions, high quality SEO techniques need to be applied. Critical to long-term success and performance, the eCommerce platforms who succeed are oftentimes the one with the most valuable real estate on search engines such as Google.

For more information on SEO strategies for eCommerce websites, please speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today.

How you know you are Hiring the Right SEO Expert for your Business

How you know you are Hiring the Right SEO Expert for your Business

With literally hundreds of self-proclaimed SEO experts across Canada, how to know you’ve hired the right digital marketing and search engine optimization expert is challenging. Research is time-consuming and knowing that marketing results will only come in months later, if you’ve hired the wrong person, it will take weeks to figure it out.


If you’ve just gotten involved in small business marketing and/or are seeking to start a new marketing campaign, hiring a qualified, experienced SEO expert is a necessity. They can help build out a strong marketing plan, getting you seen on search engines such as Google and may be able to help spread the word across other engines, including social media.


That said, anyone can claim they are an ‘SEO Expert’. So what anyone would want to go on, initially, are the websites and campaigns they’ve already worked on. Take a look through their portfolio and ask specifically what they were responsible for. Sometimes, someone presenting as an expert on search engine optimization may be more skilled in social media marketing, non-SEO digital marketing, email marketing, or other strategies. Before accepting anyone onto your marketing team, thoroughly evaluate their credentials in their specific category.


When consulting with an SEO expert, identify with them the goals you want to accomplish with a search engine optimization campaign. If their responsibilities are clearly outlined and they are committed to achieving specific goals, it will be easier to measure success. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their background and get a sense of their marketing philosophy in terms of whether it is to gain exposure, attract customers, increase conversion rates, or another target.


Search engine optimization strategies vary as the search engine algorithms change. What worked a decade ago may not be so successful today. When hiring an SEO expert, it ultimately comes down to if you believe they can get the job done right for you. If they are not communicating confidence and/or are not able to share a solid background in SEO, they may not be worth taking on as a partner. If worse comes to worse and your choice does not produce the kinds of results you want, after a set period, you can simply end the business relationship and find a new partner.


Do keep in mind that building the right SEO marketing team takes time. There are no guarantees and search engines are a highly competitive space. It can take time for strategies to work and if some don’t, it does not necessarily mean you chose wrong or that you invested in the wrong partner. Remember that even with a highly qualified SEO expert, sometimes, failure happens.


In your marketing, you deserve to be with an SEO expert who believes in your business and who is willing to do whatever it takes to get your website to where it needs to be. By investing the time to consider a few search engine optimization marketing agencies or individuals, it can give a better idea into who is worth believing in and who makes you feel at ease.


As experts in SEO across Toronto, the GTA, Ontario, and Canada, we know how challenging search engine optimization is. If you’d like to find out more about how to succeed in SEO marketing for small business, speak with us today.

See the Astounding Ways Augmented Reality is changing Consumer Behaviour

The age of virtual-reality

In the midst of all the hype that was virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) took over online marketing and the way that consumers interact with brands. Augmented reality goes beyond the limitations of VR – which requires a headset to get in and out. Instead, augmented reality applies virtual elements through the lens of a smartphone to real world living. For the first time ever, virtual objects are able to be applied to real-life physical environments. There exists amazing potential for augmented reality to progress and to continue changing consumer behaviour.


Consumers have always shown a love towards fun, interactive marketing. Since the 1990s, augmented reality has been a key focal point of development in marketing circles. At that time, it was so underdeveloped however that not much came of it.


Today, augmented reality has progressed to the point where Google Glass, Snapchat Lenses, and Pokemon Go all serve as examples of application. Though these trends permeate for a time and then tend to fade, this is just the beginning. As augmented reality tech continues to get better at keeping objects in place and based realistic to scale, developers are continuing to create more immersive AR experiences.


There exists one category where AR has progressed to popular application, and that is in furniture and renovation. It’s now possible to download AR applications that allow a user to see how a piece of furniture sits in a given space. Instead of shopping online and making a guess as to what a couch would look like in your living room, via AR, it’s now possible to see in real-time through a smartphone. See realistic, detailed 3D models in action!


Beyond furniture and home-related application, augmented reality can also play a part in purchasing clothing and appearance-related items. Presently, AR works by smartphone camera. Imagine being able to apply hats, shirts, pants, or makeup to your appearance, using real-world scale and size to compare. Snapchat filters and similar technology across other social media platforms has already made use of this, playing fun games with selfies. Imagine if you were, let’s say, about to purchase a set of glasses online. Augmented reality could be used to test the look of glasses on your face. The same can be said for certain cosmetic products. More and more, expect to see major brands implement ‘virtual try-on’ features into their websites and applications.


Yes, every face is different and to that point, there are still some challenges being experienced with augmented reality. All things considered however, the technology has come a long way. The future certainly looks promising, as it pertains to applications of AR.


Beyond applying virtual reality elements to the home and on the person, there also exists growing interest in location-based augmented reality. Imagine being able to walk down streets and see exclusive location-based promotions and deals, or that notifies you when there is a friend nearby, or that provides general information about monuments, stores, and places. Augmented reality apps have the potential to do all of this and more.


Layering the real world with AR is going to make things a lot more advertiser-friendly in the years to come. As consumers anticipate the next augmented reality release that is of interest to them, brands have the opportunity to see big rewards when capitalizing on the growing trend of augmented reality marketing.

Call us at 1-877-283-1831 or contact us via the website for more information.